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Sunday, April 3, 2011

What is going on in the Capital Tripoli?

     Oppressive measures taken by the Gaddafi regime in Tripoli are of a much higher level because he and his people know that if Tripoli falls, they are completely finished. The regime’s reaction was very harsh on the Tropolitans when they went protesting at the beginning of the uprising. Many of them were murdered and kidnapped. Tripoli now is a big prison. Any gathering of people is prohibited. It’s scary to go out in the streets.  Mercenaries are everywhere. Phone calls are being monitored. When I call my father’s family, I have to be very careful because I don’t want to put them in trouble. Unfortunately, there are people in Tripoli from the international media, but they are prisoners in their hotels. They are allowed to move around in limited places and of course with permission. Life is miserable over there. They have almost run out of food and gas. Gaddafi and his people had withdrawn money from all banks leaving people with nothing.
     We know that the end of this oppressive regime is in Tripoli. Every time we hear rumors on Facebook that gun shooting were heard in Bab Al-Azizia (Gaddafi’s castle), and we get very excited “oh this is it!” but then we hear nothing. Please men of the capital, finish the job as soon as possible!

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