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Sunday, April 3, 2011

Some of Feb 17 Uprising Slogans

These are some of the slogans that the protesters chanted/chant during the demonstrations in different parts of Libya and the world:
نوضي نوضي يا بنغازي جاك يوم فيه تراجي
Oh Benghazi wake up, the day you have been waiting for has come!
قولوا لمعمر وعياله ليبيا فيها رجالة
Tell Gaddafi and his sons, Libya has brave men!
            دم الشهداء ما يمشيش هباء
The blood of our martyrs will not go in vain!
ياللعار ياللعار يضرب في شعبه بالنار
Firing on your own people, shame on you oh Gaddafi!
جاءك الدور جاءك الدور يا معمر يا دكتاتور
It’s your turn Gaddafi oh dictator!
 (First Zain Aldeen Ben Ali followed by Hussni Imbark, and now it’s Gaddafi’s turn)
يا معمر يا بو شفشوفة الشعب الليبي توا اتشوفه
You Gaddafi with rumpled hair, the Libyan people are going to teach you a lesson!
طير طير طير قذافي يا حقير
 Leave us! Leave us! Gaddafi you despicable!
ليبيا حرة، قذافي يطلع بره
 Libya is free!Gaddafi must flee!
بالروح بالدم نفديك يا بنغازي
We sacrifice our blood and souls for your sake oh Benghazi!
طز طز في القذافي يا زنتان معاش اتخافي
Down with Gaddafi, down with Gaddfi, no more fear oh Zentan! (a city in the western part)
يا تاجوراء معاش اتخافي خوتك ماتو في بنغازي
Don’t be scared anymore oh Tajoura, your brothers and sisters were murdered in Benghazi!
(Tajoura is a suburb in the western part near Tripoli)
يا بنغازي موش بروحك نحنا ظمادين جروحك
Oh Benghazi you are not alone, we are here to cure your wounds!
(said by the people of Tajoura and Tripoli)
يا شباب العاصمة نبو ليلة حاسمة
Men of the Capital, we want you to finish the job tonight!
ليبيا نوضي نوضي والقذافي طلع ايهودي
Wake up Libya, Gaddafi is a Zionist!
يا جزيرة يا جزيرة والله ما نك حقيرة
Oh Al-Jazeera channel, you are the best!
(Arabic news agency accused by Gaddfi of being biased against him)
زنقة زنقة دار دار يا معمر يا حمار
In every alley, in every home, we are behind you oh idiot Gaddafi!
زنقة زنقة دار دار يا معمر جوك الثوار
In every alley, in every home, the freedom fighters are going to find you!
حي علي باتك يا عايشة ولا ما تهنهله عيشه
Oh Aisha, you father won’t enjoy his life anymore!
(Aisha is Gaddafi’s only daughter)
أرحل يعني امشي يلي ما بتفهمشي
Get it! Leave Libyans alone, they don’t want you!
(Egyptian people shouting in front of the Libyan embassy in Cairo)
Who did Lockerbie? The killer Gaddafi!
(Chanted by Libyan students in the U.S.)
The world must know, Gaddafi must go!
(Chanted by Libyan students in the U.S.)
Gaddafi is war criminal, Gaddafi is war criminal!
(Chanted by Libyan students in the U.S.)
No more Gaddafi, No more Gaddafi!
(Chanted by Libyan students in the U.S.)
Sarkozy Merci!
(The French president for saving Benghazi from genocide in the last minute)
Thank you Cameron, don’t leave us alone!
(The British Prime Minister for saving Benghazi from genocide in the last minute- chanted by the Libyan students in the UK)

1 comment:

  1. Another slogan:
    لا شرقية لا غربية ليبيا وحدة وطنية
    "Ne West no East, just one Libya!"
    If you know more slogans, please add to the list!
