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Tuesday, April 5, 2011


     Many people in Libya were against any kind of foreign intervention. But who had first started the foreign intervention??? Gaddafi was the first one from the very beginning of the uprising who had brought foreigners to kill Libyans. It is an uneven fight. People there are fighting against thousands and thousands of foreign mercenaries. In addition to heavy weapons that are internationally banned, he is using tanks, jets and battle ships. The no-fly-zone at least helped in stopping the air strikes. Even after the no-fly-zone, Gaddafi sent jets to strike some Libyan cities but thanks to the French, Americans, Britons, and Qataris who were protecting the Libyan air zone. Now it is NATO’s responsibility. I hope they do protect civilians.
     The Gaddafi regime is calling this intervention “a crusade invasion” and accusing them of killing civilians. To sell this lie, he ordered the exhuming of bodies from graves and to distribute them around the places where the allies have conducted their strikes.

People who are pro-Gaddafi…
  •  people involved in crimes and corruption
  •  mercenaries
  • bribed people (very poor Libyans as well as kids and teenagers from orphan houses. They are paid less than $500- it’s been reported that they are given fake money!)

 The 42 year regime of Gaddafi made Libyans hate…
  • the color green;  the color of the flag which Gaddafi had imposed on Libyans after he took power.
  • the word security: the Arabic word of security (Amen) has a very negative connotation to Libyans. For Libyans, this word is connected to murdering, kidnapping, raping, stealing, humiliating… This is what his ‘security’ men do to people.
  • and all the Arabic concepts of conferences, revolutionary committees, imperialism, invasion… which are related to the Gaddafi regime and rhetoric.

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