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Friday, May 27, 2011

'Paranoid' Gaddafi on the run from Libyan assassins

Source: Daily Mail


A 'paranoid' Colonel Gaddafi is hiding in a different hospital every night to dodge Nato bombs and Libyan assassins, spy chiefs have told David Cameron.

The Prime Minister last night gave the green light for four Apache attack helicopters to deploy in Libya to ‘turn the screws’ on the dictator.

His decision came after he apparently received intelligence reports that Gaddafi is ‘on the run’ and  cracking up.

Intelligence gathered by British, American and French spies in the past week suggests that Gaddafi has become ‘very paranoid’ and is convinced senior members of his military are going to kill him.

Senior sources claimed the tyrant has abandoned his command bunkers and usual safe houses. 

‘The judgment we are making is that this means it is the right time to turn up the heat and try to make it tell.’ 

It is the first information about the tyrant’s whereabouts since he gave a radio broadcast on May 11.

Mr Cameron said: ‘What I want to see is turning up the pressure because I believe the regime in Libya and Colonel Gaddafi are feeling the pressure.‘We will do all that we can – diplomatically, politically in terms of sanctions, and militarily.’

While British officials insisted that Colonel Gaddafi is not a target, the Apaches are equipped with 16 Hellfire ground attack missiles capable of taking out armoured vehicles or a fast-moving car from five miles.

The Prime Minister discussed his plans with U.S. President Barack Obama during his visit to London and French President Nicolas Sarkozy at the G8 summit in Deauville yesterday.

The diplomatic source added: ‘There’s a picture building up of this man who is very paranoid and a regime that’s increasingly feeling under pressure and beginning to fracture.

‘We are also getting the sense that a lot of senior commanders have stopped using their phones – they are clearly worried they are being listened to, and that’s having an impact on their ability to communicate.’

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