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Friday, May 20, 2011

First English Independent Newspaper from Benghazi!

Libya Post is a weekly independent newspaper from Benghazi. It was first issued on April, 18th, 2011. 
Freedom tastes really good! It was only in our dreams to have a free English Libyan newspaper where people can speak freely about anything they want. This is the new Libya. This is only the beginning. And what comes next is much more amazing ( :

Recent Issue (May 13, 2011- No3)
Older Issue (April 18, 2011- No1)

* I like this on page 2 (second attachment)…really funny!:

‘Gerdafi’: In Arabic the word ‘Gerd’ means monkey.
Note: This word was coined by the revolutionaries to refer to Gadhafi: Monkey-Daffy.

‘Gerd Garud Afriqia’: Means the Monkey of Monkey Kings.
Note: This phrase is in reference to Gadhafi referring to himself as ‘The King of African Kings’.


  1. I am proud with the effort of every Libyan for the change. However, I think we should have some change in our mindset. At the moment, the media is focusing on some cities and their histories and present. Gaddafi worked to slant and oblique the history of Libya as a whole. So, in the new Libya all the cities should get good popularity and their martyrs should be gloried, not to waste the sacrifice of our people in the past and the present too. The west is still in the dark and that is not fair.

  2. Thanks Tripoli for your comment. I think the change in the mindset has already begun since Feb 17. The media is focusing on some cities not others of course because those cities are liberated and there is access to them- so why not to show a little part of Libya- since the other world doesn't know the much about our country- only about Gaddafi and his thuggish people. All the Libyan cities should get equal popularity- and it shouldn't be restricted on major cities. And actually some places that we didn't know that much about them are now already well-known worldwide like Al-Zintan and other Western Mountain cities. And by the way, this newspaper "Libya Post" is made by Libyan individuals with very simple means.
    May Allah bless all our martyrs and may all Libya be free very soon.
