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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Jordan Pledges Support for Libya Rebel Council

Source: Reuters
May 24, 2011

AMMAN May 24 (Reuters) - Jordan's Foreign Minister Nasser Joudeh said on Tuesday the kingdom recognised Libya's rebel council as a legitimate representative of Libya's people and planned to open an office in the rebel-held city of Benghazi.

Joudeh said Amman considered the Benghazi-based Transitional National Council (TNC) had organised a credible interim council that was committed to democracy.

"We consider it a legitimate representative of the Libyan people ... It adopts stances that reflect the demands of the Libyan people and their hopes to move to a new stage," Joudeh was quoted as saying by Petra state news agency.

U.S. ally Jordan last month said it sent fighter aircraft to provide logistical support for the no-fly zone over Libya and to protect aid flights from the kingdom. 

It also took measures to freeze financial assets held by Muammar Gaddafi's government.
Rebels are fighting to topple Gaddafi after his 41 years in power. NATO forces are bombing his forces but the conflict has been deadlocked for weeks.
The United States bolstered the credentials of the rebel National Transitional Council as a potential government-in-waiting on Tuesday when a senior U.S. envoy invited it to set up a representative office in Washington. (Reporting by Suleiman al-Khalidi; Editing by Andrew Heavens)

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